Monthly Archives: December 2015

Art of Surrender

My love my King, teach me the art of your surrender.

In your gentle and tender way rekindle the days of my first love!

Let it testify of your goodness to all around me.

Let it break the chains of bondage for the lost!

Wind Surf

My love my King, I will wind surf the seas because of your majesty.
My spirit will soar with confidence because you are my only guide!
Teach me to surrender completely to the sway of Your perfect Will.
My heart and soul is bursting with hope in you alone!

My Painter

My love my King, I am the canvas, you are my Painter.
Only you can make a plain and empty canvas beautiful and full of life!
Mine heart’s eye wait with anticipation on every stroke of your brush.
You already know your masterpiece and I yearn to see its beauty.

Your Faithfulness

My love my King, What a year this has been!
You have been so faithful; only you know the depth of my thankfulness.
There is no living without you. Oh thank you for allowing me to see you!
My mind, heart, and soul are in one accord, fastened on you in my waking and sleep.